Well this past weekend was a lot of fun. My brother Scott's high school team went down to play Reggie Bush's old high school team (Helix) It was an awesome game, and so close 7-14 Lone Peak lost. But they played great. Here are some of the highlights of the weekend. The temple being one. AMAZING.

These are a bunch of pictures that we took at the beach my first night. Basically... I am obsessed with California. I want to live there some day. Or at least visit... 4 times a year for a week at a time. We will see if my career can kick off enough for me to afford that!

Here is the new Lone Peak Quarterback! Two weeks ago, the first and second string Quarterbacks both got injured in the game against Timpview. So... couch threw Scotty in there. He has never played quarterback in his life. The first game was a little rough but, Scott did awesome against the Helix Highlanders. We were so pumped for him and for the rest of the season!

This was a lifetime dream fulfilled for Matt. BYU playing UCLA in the ROSE BOWL! It was an awesome game, unfortunately ended in a loss by the cougars. We had alot of fun though.
A side note. There were alot of fans that came down from Alpine to see the game in California. It was so great to see everyones support and it was alot of fun to have the community all there. Unfortunately as we were all driving from San Diego (where the high school played) to LA for the BYU/UCLA game one of the boys on the team Stefan Grant's Mom and 5 year old sister were in a car accident on the freeway. A semi truck changed lanes without seeing their car and smashed their car into another one. The little 5 year old girl was killed and the mom was rushed to a hospital in downtown LA. It was a tragedy for Stefan, the high school football team, and the community. It was in times like this where you are truly grateful for the knowledge that they will see their little girl again. Even with this knowledge it still is hard. I thought alot about my little sister Abbie who is only 7 years old. I can't image losing her, my daughter, any of my siblings, my nieces and nephews, my wife or anyone for that matter, but especially a little child. It broke our heart that day. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the Grant Family for their loss.