We kicked off the birthday weekend with the Vanilla Ice/MC Hammer concert...I realized how old I've become by just sitting in the seats and having no desire to join all partiers down below.
Our theme song for the day was "Lucky to be in love with my best friend"
Lily had so much fun at Kangaroo Zoo for Amy's birthday!
Except for when she tipped the stool upside down and then got stuck.
Making Caramel apples at Gigi's.
I took away the apple the Gigi had dipped in white chocolate for her...oops.
Then she got it back.
We babysat baby Adelaide overnight and Lily was the best helper. She LOVED to hold her and of course, give her her bink (or occasionally steel it).
We figured out how to work the ipod
And finally, this picture was taken just a couple days ago when she got the flu. We got our TV in our room just in time...it was a lifesaver!