First, sorry to Steph and Lis! I have been slightly distracted with the baby lately, and... we don't have internet at our new place yet. My apologies.... here we go everyone! I've been tagged!!!
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. When I was little I had more imaginary friends than probably anyone you know. I could entertain myself for hours. I would teach school, tennis, and pretend to take carpool while riding on my bike. My brothers and sisters still tease me, but hey, they say that children who have great imaginations are smarter:)
2. I thought I was a creative person until I met my husband. He puts me to shame so much that I really don't even try anymore. But that's about to change. One of my goals for 2008 is to pick back up the fun creative things that I used to do all the time.
3. I was actually the one who spotted Jon first. I saw him at Lisanne's wedding and wondered who he was. I didn't say anything to Lisanne about it for a couple of months because I was a little bit scared of being rejected. But one day I had a little voice in my head tell me to just ask her about him...what did I have to lose? Boy am I glad I did!!! Love you honey.
4. I have stayed in the original Bachelor house. My friend Brittney's Husbands best friends parents (got that?)own a house in Malibu and they rented it out to ABC for the Bachelor. We all got to go down and stay in the house for a few days...that was a trip I will never forget.
5. I don't have many regrets in life but if I could do it over I would change a few things. I would have taken my voice lessons more seriously and really persued developing my voice.
6. My whole life I've dreamed of being a mother, and just 12 days ago, my dream came true. I have the most beautiful baby girl in the whole world and I am in heaven every day! Words can't describe how incredible this experience is. I feel like I've arrived!!
So Fun! Ok, so I tag... Shanna, Katie Hillstead, Shannon Cornelius, Kari Tuttle, Jenna Vela, and...Brit Anderson! GO!!!